Monday, October 3, 2011

A little background on my URL


Life is a lens through which we judge our surroundings. Every persons lens is different and unique. Some people have a telephoto lens, allowing them to see far into the future of their own lives and deep into the people they encounter. Some people have a macro lens, through which they examine and get close to the things they come across. Many have a standard lens, usually containing an average depth of field and focus range, used simply to see everything around them.

My lens is a portrait lens. It allows me to take in more at once. Sometimes it helps me to see things that any typical lens cannot pick up, but sometimes it also restricts and diverts my focus with an overwhelming amount of content to take in. My lens also suffers from chromatic aberration, meaning it sometimes fails to fully focus all viewed colors (or situations) to the same point. Admittedly it is a little off.

For our lens to function properly, they need constant maintenance and, sometimes, repair.

I ask you to reflect upon the type of lens you have, as well as its condition. It may help you to understand mine.